Salt Lake City Startups List

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Meet 8 data scientist View everyone

ID 884241

Laurel Christensen

graduated with degrees in Both Mathematics and Journalism. Coded, drafted and wrote for an engineering company for 15 months.

ID 643465

Saptarshi Mallick

Graduate Research Assistant at Utah State University, strong embedded skills with RTOS experience. Statistical Data Analysis using MATLAB .

ID 860226

Dave Vance

ID 774220

Kyle Spackman

MBA from University of Utah. Operations Manager in Healthcare

ID 124872

Chris Sandberg

Data Analyst and Software Engineer with Internet Marketing Experience. JAVA, Python, PHP, PostreSQL, MySQL, Web Analytics, PPC, SEO, Social Media.

ID 86622

David Gilbert

Co-founder at Visible Equity, serving as CMO/COO

ID 742557

Ian Leaman

Tufts University CS and Math, Intersted in building up projects.

ID 851675

Oli Olafsson

Data explorer and business process expert

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